Eczema in Devon, PA

Eczema is a general term for a group of skin conditions that can be brought on by dry and irritated skin, various allergic reactions, and the body's response to an immune system deficiency. The result may cause redness of your skin and dry, itchy patches. This can occur anywhere on your body, including the hands, face, neck, or other places. Atopic dermatitis is the most common eczematous condition and usually shows up as dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. This condition typically starts in childhood. At Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Pennsylvania in Devon, PA, we will attempt to diagnose exactly what is causing the inflammation so that an accurate treatment plan can be created.

Eczema can be treated with a selection of over-the-counter or prescribed medications and topicals. Topical corticosteroid creams and ointments are often used in addition to antihistamines to help relieve itching symptoms. Prescription medications, like corticosteroid creams or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory creams, can assist people who have moderate to severe eczema. An oral steroid or other systemic medication may also be prescribed in severe cases to help control skin lesions and symptoms.

Eczema patches can appear anywhere on the body but predominantly occur on the face, neck, legs, or hands. With children, patches can show up on the inner creases of the knees and elbows. When your skin is scratched, dry spots and open sores with scabs can develop and may become infected. Eczema is most commonly characterized by:

  • Persistent rashes
  • Patches of skin that are continuously itchy
  • Dry, red, scaly, or thickened skin lesions
  • Increased skin sensitivity
  • Yellowish-to-brown crust over existing eczema patches

Wonderful doctor. I had seen a dermatologist the day before who classified all of my eczema skin issues as "more of a nuisance than an actual problem" as my skin was cracking and itching to end - so horrified, I rushed to find another doctor immediately. Dr. Wang was easy to book, has Saturday hours, and really listened to my concerns. He provided solutions and helped me realize that my skincare needs to be tailored to each season, as many of my products seemed to seize working with the weather changes. Absolutely loved them! If you're struggling to find a good derm - this is it.

Anonymous ZocDoc

Directions to their location were easy to follow. No issues finding a convenient parking space. Modern, clean, uncluttered and comfortable office. Arriving in a timely fashion there was zero wait time to speak with the helpful receptionist. She and a helpful nurse took care of the requested new patient paperwork I had filled out at home. In retrospect it might have saved time for all involved had I send the paperwork to their office in advance. When asked they indicated it was not a problem. A doctor and an assistant quickly diagnosed my health issues. My main issue was not dermatology related so they gave me the card of a local Physician they encouraged me to contact. They also took time to speak with me about a dry skin issue. Helpful, friendly, seriously knowledgeable staff. Five star experience.

P.E. ZocDoc


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If you've suffered from eczema for years with very little relief or have just discovered an itchy rash and a difference in your skin, numerous treatment options are available at our Devon, PA practice. Employing a multi-step treatment technique, including detection, prevention, and treatment, enables you to not only manage your condition but also see a substantial decrease in symptoms. Find help for your eczema-related symptoms now at Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Pennsylvania.

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